The Ignatian exhortation, which means "More for God and Closer for those around", takes shape in an annual festival, proposed to young people between 18-35 years old. This festival, usually held in the months of July and August, comprises several spiritual and social experiences in different localities, which precede and culminate with the respective years' NATIONAL OR WORLD YOUTH DAYS.
Missionary School
The Missionary School proposes to students and young adults to be aware of a crucial transformation of our times: we no longer live in the era of professional missionaries, but the time of professional missionaries, missionary teacher, missionary It-ist, missionary doctor, in short, all Revisal can become missionaries! Specifically: these meetings take place weekly, every Wednesday from 18:30 with St. Liturgy and from 19:30 with a thematic workshop (in hybrid format) followed by a missionary agape.
Semester retreats for young people
Each academic semester begins with a retreat, where students and recent graduates get a head start on their lives ahead. It is an occasion for meeting and renewing body and soul, in which young people get to know each other and all the activities of the Manresa Center proposed to them.
The spirituality of the mountains
A group of young people who raise their eyes, hearts and bodies to the peaks of Romania's mountains every month. Excursions turn into pilgrimages, through the spiritual accompaniment provided by a priest.
Events take place on weekends, from Friday to Sunday, according to the schedule shown here .
Contact person and details: Pop Gabriel 0742 937 462
Living Stones
Pietre Vii is a communion of groups of young people, who stand at the door of churches and welcome all who enter, trying to help them see them as meeting places between man and God. The groups of " Living Stones " pray and study together, both Scripture and Christian art, making a confession of faith starting from the beauty of the Churches: " Beauty will save the world " (Dostoevsky).
For those who cannot participate in prolonged retreats in the monastery, spiritual exercises in ordinary life (EVO) are the ideal proposal to live the faith in everyday life, both at home and at work. These exercises presuppose the acquisition of "habits of hope" in prayer and in the Christian lifestyle. Specifically, it takes place during Advent and Lent through personal prayer, spiritual guidance and sharing in groups.
On the road with young people 2024-2025
Prayer for vocations
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father,
who always come to live among us,
make us live according to your feelings
so that our communities and homes
to be capable of a genuine and cordial welcome.
The young people who meet us feel that they are loved
and to release in them the desire to seek
the meaning of one's own life which
it is revealed in their vocation.
Poured into the heart of all the baptized
the will to give his life
in the priestly ministry, in the consecrated life,
in marriage and in the laity lived in the world,
because the Church, which is your house and ours,
to shine with the beauty of all vocations.